Damian, 7 years

Damian in the Britax Parkway. Damian is
7yrs old, 55.5" tall, and 75lbs
Mom's Notes: While he has outgrown every single non-Britax booster on the
market, I choose to keep him in one because he does not pass the 5-step test in
the 2nd row of my van. He uses a backless booster in his Dad's Cobalt
unless in the middle of the back row (he passes the 5-step there and is too tall
for a backless there... his feet also touch the floor in that seating position).
Despite the law now being changed so that, as of July 1, 2007, children in
Virginia must ride in boosters until they are 8 (if they are too big, a doctor's
note may exempt them), many kids younger than Damian ride in nothing at all.
This is truly frightening when my son is in the 96th percentile for height and
he doesn't meet the 5-step test to be out of a booster in most seats of most
Despite having pdd-nos (pervasive developmental delay - not otherwise specified,
which is autistic tendancies), not only does he tolerate the headwings, he loves
them, especially for sleeping. Many parents feel their kids won't like headwings,
but Damian calls them his pillows.
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