Addie - 6 years, 6 months

Addie in the Britax Husky at 6 years, 6 months old.
She weighs 50 lbs and is 47.5 inches tall.

Addie in the Britax Husky at 6 years, 4 months old.

Addie in the Britax Husky at 6 years, 2 months old.
She weighs 47-38 lbs and is 46-47 inches tall.

Addie is 5 years, 1 month old. She
is 44.5 inches tall and weighs 43lbs
Mom's Notes:
Addie is really starting to look like a big kid (sniff, sniff). She
still loves her Husky and still chooses it over a booster when given the

Addie is 4 years, 2 months old. Addie is 41 inches tall
and weighs 41 lbs. Addie is shown here in the Britax Husky.
Mom's Notes: We chose to get
a higher weight seat for Addie because we expected her to reach 40 lbs
before she was mature enough to use a booster on a regular basis, and
because I drive a small car and want her to be as protected as possible.
She occasionally rides in a booster with her grandparents, but whenever
we give her the choice between a booster or a harnessed, she always
choses a harness. We plan to keep her in a harness until she outgrows
the limits of her seat or until it expires (she'll be almost 8),
whichever comes first.
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