B - 8 years, 4 mos

Brynna harnessed in the Britax Regent at 8 years, 4 months
old. She weighs 50-51 lbs, depending on the day.
Mom's Notes: She has the entire span between the
second slots and top slots of torso growth left in her Regent.

B at 7 years, 6 months old. She is 46.5
inches tall and weighs 47.5 pounds. She is shown here in the Britax
Mom's Notes: B has only
used a booster maybe 3 times in her entire life. She reached 40 lbs in
the fall of 2004 and I've kept her harnessed because I am simply not
comfortable w/her in a booster.

B at 6 years, 4 months old. She is 44
inches tall and weighs 41 pounds. She is shown here in the Britax
Mom's Notes: Switching from
a very large vehicle (Ford Crew Cab dually truck) to a tiny station
wagon has very much factored into my decision to keep her harnessed. She
is very happy with her seat and because she is my "Miss Worrywart," she
feels good that she currently rides in the center position LOL. Really,
she's not a very big girl (size-wise) and since my kids are my most
precious possessions and car crashes are the number one cause of death,
I will do whatever I can to keep them safe.
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