Daniel - 4 years, 6 months

Daniel is 4 years, 6 months old. Daniel is 44 inches tall
and weighs 41 lbs. Daniel is shown here in the Britax Marathon.
Mom's Notes: Daniel was 4
and getting too tall for both the (Britax) Roundabout and the (Fisher
Price) Safe Embrace, I bought a (Britax) Marathon for him knowing we
were planning to have more kids and would get lots of use out of the
seat. Daniel stayed in the Marathon until he was 5 and 44 lbs when he
passed the seat down to the baby. I've now had to replace
the Safe Embrace, which was in a crash, and have a Decathlon that Daniel
rides in 3 times a week when I bring two extra kids home from school and
hope to put him in the Decathlon full time this summer.
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