David - 5 years, 7 months

David is 5 years, 7 months old. He is 45
inches tall and weighs 46 pounds. He is shown here in the Canadian Graco
Ultra Cargo.
David's brother Ben is also harnessed past 40 lbs.
Mom's Notes: At around 3.75
years old, David was getting close to outgrowing his convertible seat by
height, well before he was 40lb. In Canada, boosters are only for 40+ lb
so he could not legally move to a booster and he wasn't old enough
anyway. I chose to go ahead and buy a new seat with higher slots before
he actually outgrew the convertible. The available seats with higher
slots were the Evenflo and Graco combination seats. As a bonus, in
Canada these seats harness to 47 and 48lb so I was able to have him in a
seat he could remain harnessed in as long as possible. David loves his
Ultra Cargo, but he's getting very close to the top slots and he is
anxious to move to his booster. He'll now be riding in a Graco Turbo
Booster. I'm feeling better about him moving to a booster since he got
to remain harnessed until he was old enough to sit properly in the
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