Hayley - 4 years, 9 months

Hayley at 4 years, 9 months old,
46.5 inches tall and 48 pounds in a Fisher Price Futura.

Hayley at 4 years, 5 months old,
45.5 inches tall and 46 pounds in a Fisher Price Futura.
Mom's Notes: This is her new primary seat since we acquired a new
vehicle that has a frustrating problem--a lap belt that is forward of
the bight (seat crease). This means that most carseats will not be
tightly installed against the vehicle seat, and end up sliding forward
and staying loose. The Futura's unique reverse belt path (an
installation option only available on one other seat, the Britax
Husky/Regent) allows the forward of the bight lap belt to hold the
carseat tight.
The Futura has been discontinued since 2001, but Fisher Price seats had
an eight year lifespan, so there are some that still have some life left
in them. *
*You should never use a seat with an unknown history.

Hayley is 3 years, 9 months old. She is 42
inches tall and weighs 42 pounds. She is shown here in the Britax Husky
(left) and the Car Seat Specialty Airway (right).
Mom's Notes: Hayley outgrew her convertible carseat by height at
2.5 years old, and we knew she would most likely hit 40 pounds before she was
old enough/mature enough for a belt positioning booster seat, so the search for
a seat that harnessed beyond 40 pounds was on. We went with the Husky because
she's very long in the torso and we were concerned she would outgrow her seats
by height rather than weight, so we needed a seat with very tall top harness
slots. Also shown in the Airway, this is our spare seat, she will outgrow
this soon by height.
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