Jeffrey - 5 years, 7 months

Jeffrey is harnessed in the Britax Husky at 5
years, 7 months old. He weighs 51 lbs and is 47 inches
tall, still riding happily in a 5-point harness.
Mom's Notes: He
is now riding in a Britax Husky (with Britax Regent cover).
While other children his age often ride in a booster or nothing
at all, Jeffrey will remain harnessed until he has outgrown the
seat or his sister needs it.

Jeffrey in the Britax Marathon at 5 years old.
Jeffery is 45 lbs and 45 inches tall. Jeffrey's brother
Damian is also harnessed past 40 lbs.
Mom's Notes: Jeffrey was
moved into a booster right at his 4th birthday because he was 40lbs. We
didn't like it, even though he behaved just fine. He was moved
into the Marathon when his sister got the Scenera so that he could be
harnessed again. We got him the Husky when we got Damian the
Regent because it was on sale and because it gave him more room to grow.
He also prefers being harnessed to being in a booster and calls it his
comfy blue seat.
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