Xavier - 5 years, 1 months
Xavier is 5
years, 1 month old and weighs just barely 40 lbs. In this
picture he is riding in a Sunshine Kids Radian. |
Xavier at 5 years, 1 month
and 40 lbs in the Britax Boulevard. |
Mom's Notes: I expect him to fit in both of these 65
lb harnessing seats until he is at least 7 yrs old, at which time he will
move into a Britax Regent to remain harnessed until 80 lbs.
Mom's Notes: She has recently been
moved to the top slots in the seat a couple months ago. She loves her
Apex! She is too tall in the torso for a Marathon so we had to buy this
seat or a Regent. We hope to buy a Regent at the beginning of the year.
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